Thai Massage Training - Level One

Therapeutic Thai Massage Training in Massachusetts and California

Therapeutic Thai Massage - Learn to Perform a 2-hour Thai Massage and Practice Safe Body Mechanics in Supine, Prone, Side-Lying, and Seated Positions

Who can take Level 1 Thai Massage training? 

Level 1 is open to anyone. No prior experience is necessary. 

A vast majority of participants are yoga teachers and massage therapists.

However, personal trainers, physical therapists, PTAs, martial artists, dancers, and anyone interested in learning an ancient method of hands-on healing will benefit from this Thai Massage training.  

Standard Format

Saturday and Sunday -- 9am to 5pm
Total CEUs: 15 hours

Locations Will be Announced on Calendar  

How Registrations Work

If a Thai Massage training is at a yoga studio like Open Doors (Weymouth, MA) or Prana Yoga (La Jolla, CA), registrations will be processed by the hosting studio. 

If Slava is organizing a small private Thai Massage training, it will take place at a private residence and registrations will be processed on this page.


Deposit of $100 is required to reserve your spot.

Total Cost: $450 for 15 CEUs. 


Next Scheduled Workshop: 

Please check the Calendar